Roro Eustache

Haitian Christian Outreach is committed to church planting, meeting the educational, spiritual and physical needs of children, providing health care and breathing new life into communities through business development opportunites such as Compressed Earth Block manufacturing and poultry produciton.

Zimbabwe, Africa

Hippo Valley Christian Mission's goal is to offer holistic ministry that touches the mind, the body and the soul through church planting/discipleship, preacher training, christian education, children's homes and medical clinics/partnerships.

Tom & Debbie Morse

North Burma Christian Mission exists to reach out to the peoples of Asia with the Kingdom message of reconciliation to God through Jesus Christ.  Now serving in Thailand.

Kevin Hoy

The Smiles Foundation is a Christian charity with vision, commitment and a determination to make a difference.  "A difference" for people in Romania who need a little help from a friend.  Their objectives are to advance the Christian religion Worldwide by the promotion of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; the relief of poverty and the advancement of education.


The ARK Christian Ministries is a non-profit organization that began in 1948.  Funded by churches, private donors, and camper/renter income, we seek to serve our community with a Christ like attitude.  The ARK exists to glorify God by providing Bible Based, Christ Centered, Mission Minded ways to reach and teach the next generation.

Community Christian Counseling is an Indiana not-for-profit ministry that provides individual and family counseling services from a Christian perspective.  We receive referrals from as far north as Rockville and as far south as Vincennes; from as far east as Greencastle and as far west as Casey, Il.  Church leaders, para-church leaders, social service agencies, attorneys, physicians and even other counselors refer to Community Christian Counseling.

The Crisis Pregnancy Center offers pregnancy tests, limited ultrasounds, male and female STD & HIV testing, and education on abortions, contraception and fetal development.  They also offer individual and group mentoring for men and women.  Most of the services are free or at a very reduced cost. 

Harvest Prayer Ministry offers teaching and resources on prayer and related topics.  They also offer networking and partnering to help local church leaders.  They offer a daily prayer devotional called the Connections Devotional that be subscribed to on their website.

The Light House Mission is a non-profit organization whose mission is to minister the love of Jesus Christ to the Least, the Last, and the Lost of our community through the provision of assistance in the areas of guidance, counseling, education, job training, shelter, food, clothing, health care and independent living communities. 

Team of Mercy, Inc. is a non-profit organization to assist survivors of suicide in the critical 24 hours following an attempted/completed suicide with any necessary bio-hazard cleanup at the scene.  They also offer emotional support through other survivors.  Their survivor support group meets on the 2nd Monday of each month.

As wonderful as the inventions and conveniences of modern society are - our children need much more to grow to be well-rounded, productive citizens of earth and heaven.  They need more than "virtual reality", they need God's reality.   Located in Salem, Indiana, WVCC is a 125 acre testament that the creation is indeed "the work of His hands".

Sponsoring a child is a personal way for us to show God's love to children in need. Our church is partnering with World Vision to sponsor less fortunate children in the world. World Vision is an international Christian relief and development organization on a mission to end extreme poverty by 2030.