Visiting a new church can be intimidating, but it doesn't have to be.

Sunday Morning Service Times & Information

Cross Lane offers multiple options for you and your family to join us; whether it's in-person or online.

In-Person Services

1st Service - 9:00am

2nd Service -10:30am

(Assistive listening devices are available for the hearing impaired)

Kids & Students

Children’s Ministry is available for kids 0– 5th grade.

Middle school and High school students meet in the Student Auditorium during the 10:30am service.

Live Stream

Our Livestream services are on Sundays at 9am and feature full worship and a teaching from God’s word. You can watch online on our website, or Youtube.



We believe in the power of prayer. Our prayer team will be available at the front of the auditorium to pray with you at the end of each service. 

Our Beliefs

It is imperative to know where the church you attend stands on key doctrinal issues, which is why we’ve taken significant time to lay out the doctrinal beliefs of Cross Lane and make them readily available to all.

What we Believe


You can expect friendly and authentic people, relevant and engaging music and worship, compelling preaching from the Bible, and an opportunity to encounter God. You can expect to find a place where creativity and fellowship come together to worship God in new and exciting ways. You can expect to be encouraged, challenged, excited, and, most importantly, welcomed.

After Service

As soon as we dismiss, you can pick up your kids from their classrooms then stick around, enjoy some more coffee if you’d like and get to know some people! Stop by the Welcome Center so we can give you some more info about Cross Lane and a free gift!


A great way to get a feel for what Cross Lane is all about is simply by watching our sermons online! We’re passionate about God’s Word and know that only He has the power to change your life.

Watch Past Sermons

Meet Our Team

Our pastors and staff all have one common goal: Bringing People to Jesus! To that end, we want to get to know you and we think it’s important for you to get to know us! The church is nothing more than a community of followers of Jesus Christ, that is why it is essential for all of us to build honest relationships and be real with one-another.

About us

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our weekend service times are Sunday mornings at 9:00am and 10:30am. Student worship is during the 10:30am service only. Come a little early to grab a cup of coffee or check in your kids to Children’s Ministry!

  • At Cross Lane, we are all about being real. You’re invited to come as you are, whether that be shorts and sandals or a full suit, we want you to feel comfortable. Our church tends to dress fairly casual.

  • We have 2 services at 9:00 and 10:30am. Each service typically lasts 60-75 minutes and includes a practical Biblical message, announcements, communion, and contemporary worship music. Because worship is an individual response to our Creator, you may see people with eyes closed, hands raised, standing, or sitting.

Starting Point

Are you new to Cross Lane and want to learn more about who we are and what we are about? If so, our Starting Point class is just for you! The 45 minute class is held on the first Sunday of each month at noon. 

Click here to register.